Super Singers
- Kids from 1 year to 5th grade
- Directed by Mandi Shaffer and Marne Sievers
- Practice on Wednesday’s at 5:30 in the last Sunday School room on the right
- Sings in Worship on 2nd and 4th Sunday’s
Chancel Choir
- Middle School, High School + Adult
- Directed by Julia Batten and accompanied by Marilyn Goodhue
- Practice on Wednesday’s at 6:15 in the sanctuary
- Sings in Worship on 1st and 3rd Sunday’s
Men’s Choir
- Adult men
- Directed by Marilyn Goodhue and accompanied by Linda Benton
- Practices on Wednesday’s at 7:00 in the sanctuary
- Sing in Worship on the 5th Sunday when there is one
Praise Team
- Praise Teams that are interested
- Directed by Linda Benton
- Practices vary
- Sing in Worship every Sunday