Great People Serving a Great God
Great People Serving a Great God
Christ-Centered & Spiritual
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Christ-Centered & Spiritual
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Christ-Centered & Spiritual
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Welcome!  We’re glad you’re looking.  We invite you to join us at worship Sunday morning at 9:30 or feel free to come to Adult Sunday School too at 8:30.  We have children’s Christian education on Wednesday evening at ROCK!  We would love for you to really begin to get to know us following the worship service with refreshments served each week in the Family Life Center.  Sometimes we even have a luncheon you’re invited to attend.

We are located at 405 School Street in Carlisle, right across from the Carlisle Elementary School facilities.

Parking is available along the front and side of the church, across the street to the East and in the Elementary parking lot.  Enter by the bell tower.  Or if you come in the side door by the education door, take the stairs up to the front of the sanctuary.

When you join us, we have greeters at the door each morning who will welcome you and give you a schedule of events for the morning.  We hope you will find our congregation a welcoming, caring extended family!  Whether you’re by yourself, bringing little children, or have a more mature family, you’re always welcome.  We certainly are a church of all ages and life stages.  All are invited to join us and you don’t have to feel the need to dress up.  Please come join us and hear and feel the love of our God!